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May 20, 2005

Vegemite is Yeast?

The subject of a popular Men at Work song is the subject of this video journal.


Posted by madge at May 20, 2005 02:17 PM

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» Vegemite is Yeast? from Digital Video Info
[Source: Insane Films] quoted: I have a friend in Australia that sent me a care package a few years ago and ugh, Vegemite is some of the nastiest stuff on Earth. (Okay, it's actually not all that bad if you put a tiny bit on some toast with a bunch of ... [Read More]

Tracked on May 25, 2005 04:21 AM



Posted by: Sheri at May 20, 2005 03:04 PM

Don't tell me you like that stuff?

Posted by: Bloaterus at May 20, 2005 03:34 PM

cool present ! you'll love vegemite - when and why are you going to the new yorks ?

Posted by: zeeche at May 20, 2005 07:08 PM

Richard, you're not fat.

Posted by: adbak at May 20, 2005 08:01 PM

I have a friend in Australia that sent me a care package a few years ago and ugh, Vegemite is some of the nastiest stuff on Earth. (Okay, it's actually not all that bad if you put a tiny bit on some toast with a bunch of peanut butter.)

Tim Tams on the other hand ...

Posted by: kellybelly at May 21, 2005 01:31 AM

I LOVE vegemite. I grew up with it. Australia is not too far from Malaysia. I grew up eating Vegemite and Marmide/Brovil. Marmide and Brovil are beef based, and Vegemite is vegetarian because it's yeast. I love them both.

Friendly, oh well, friendli-er way of serving it is with toast points, with a layer of butter first, then put a touch (I like it a lot, so it's salty) then smear it on the butter, then eat. Yumm....

Then the bold, or gross way or serving it, a cup of hot water, and mix it in to make instant soup.

Some people use it for sauces, that's good too. I'm hungry. I think I still have a bottle in the kitchen.

Posted by: John Ong at May 22, 2005 01:04 AM

I challenge you to find a pantry in Australia that is sans Vegemite.

It is often my quick and easy lunch. But be careful- If you have a blob on your sandwich that you didn't spread well, you'll certainly realise it soon enough.

As mentioned above, its best on toast (served with peppermint tea).

Posted by: Tyson at May 26, 2005 06:54 PM