
Insane Films: Video Simulcast of Yeast Radio #569


This is a simultcast just the the Howards Stern but without the Schwartze.

By Administrator

see richard bluestein on wikipedia

4 replies on “Insane Films: Video Simulcast of Yeast Radio #569”

Madge, this was wonderful. I couldn’t tell the difference every time you adjusted the lighting, even though you spent half the video doing just that; you talked about absolutely nothing, which is great; that book sounded hot and Roger Smalls’ video was superb with the trial version stamp thing all over it. And you look fabulous – what a dress!

I think I just used up all my niceness juices for this comment.

Dee-lovely! u look fab-o in DH, HD, whateva!
Happy B-day Miss Lady Pants!!
Digg that out-fit too… Pro-lips, pro-lips!

Steve seems to be out of nipple juice and I am completely out of schmegg… oh thanks

Huggs and nuggs – Daggerz

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