
Convulsion Expulsion by Usama Alshaibi


This is the video referenced in
the Yeast Radio interview from today.
It was directed by Usama Alshaibi and starring his wife, Kristie Alshaibi.

By Administrator

see richard bluestein on wikipedia

8 replies on “Convulsion Expulsion by Usama Alshaibi”

This was as riviting as it was repulsive, as beautiful as it was discusting. I loved it. Where can I see more of this work?

I will post more of Usama’s films here very soon but you can see his web site or Kristie’s web site at . Buy their videos. Buy their art. I will be playing some unreleased work of theirs soon right here.

What beautiful vibrant blood ArtVamp has, does artvamp have any shit movies where she takes a dump ? I’d definately be into that, shes a sexy woman, what a great bod,reckon she’d do great poos.
MrB I’ve been meaning to tell you for ages now how cool insane films is looking, did you invest in a wacom intuos3 ?

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