camp David Cerda Videos

Insane Films: The Woman at the End of the Road from David Cerda’s The Birds


from the play written by David Cerda and Pauline Pang. Directed by Scott Bradley. This scene features Tracy Repep as Tippi Hedren as Melanie Daniels and David Cerda as Suzanne Pleshette as Annie Hayworth.

direct link to large ipod/iphone version.

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see richard bluestein on wikipedia

3 replies on “Insane Films: The Woman at the End of the Road from David Cerda’s The Birds”

Not only is the cut from the real Birds to David Cerda’s Birds a nice artistic touch, it also shows what a nice job David did to to do justice to the characters in the original. Nice work Richard.

The camera work is terrific here, Richard…the editing is perfect, too! Steve, you should have seen the whole show–the interaction between Tippi/Melanie and Jessica/Lydia was particularly priceless at times.

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