5 replies on “Insane Films: MIss Julie Fabulous’ Satan Satan Satan”
What software are you using? (Just curious)
Pinnacle studio Plus version 10, 2hunnerd fitty dollah samsung DV cam
It’s disturbing how the clip of Bush actually makes the satanic ritual video seem not so evil by comparison.
The way you were wearing your head phones at 2:40, it looked like you were wearing a crown.
I particularly loved how the whole entire audience erupted into applause when Bush scored his one bon mot when the audience member asked his question. You’d have thought W. was Madonna (or in the case of this audience, Porter Waggoner).
5 replies on “Insane Films: MIss Julie Fabulous’ Satan Satan Satan”
What software are you using? (Just curious)
Pinnacle studio Plus version 10, 2hunnerd fitty dollah samsung DV cam
It’s disturbing how the clip of Bush actually makes the satanic ritual video seem not so evil by comparison.
The way you were wearing your head phones at 2:40, it looked like you were wearing a crown.
I particularly loved how the whole entire audience erupted into applause when Bush scored his one bon mot when the audience member asked his question. You’d have thought W. was Madonna (or in the case of this audience, Porter Waggoner).