retro Richard Bluestein video journals Videos

Insane Films: Retro Video Journal NYC 06.24.01


UPDATE: Melton was right. I already posted this in September, 2005. Sorry about that. I don’t like to post repeats. I’ll post another retro journal that I don’t think i’ve posted bfore.

Including the NYC gay parade 2001 in New York.

big ipod version click here

7 replies on “Insane Films: Retro Video Journal NYC 06.24.01”

Did I play the parade before? I searched my archives and couldn’t find it. DO you have a link? I hate when I repeat myself.

yes i remember this one too, it was posted before.

when are you gonna post the video on how to clear your nose? preferably a Madge video…

I also loved the cat in the bathroom. The second part of the video could be called Le petite jardin d’gris or whatever i really don’t know french. Great video and purple pants has a nice box.


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