
Insane Films: Cleaning Out Madge Weinstein’s Closet (Pump n’ Dump)


Pump and Dump

By Administrator

see richard bluestein on wikipedia

5 replies on “Insane Films: Cleaning Out Madge Weinstein’s Closet (Pump n’ Dump)”


I’d LOVE to see Madge giving away samples of her special Vagisil door to door to the womyns, kind of like the Avon lady.

Perhaps she can start with these uptight whores out here in Naper-Thrill?

Loved the humor, loved the effects, see if you can find more of those before the old lady dies and doesn’t tell anyone where she’s hiding her stash.

P. S. I tried to gently tell Cali Lewis at the expo that I thought your green screen looked better than hers. Now that you’re allowed to go more tech, I’d love it if you told us how you got such a nice green screen.

I adore this!! This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen! Love it, love it, love it, honaye!

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