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Insane Films: Behind the Lyps with Dutch TV Part 2 – Don’t slice ’em off!


with a new sponsor- introduced by Cheryl Merkowski in a RARE VIDEO APPEARANCE HOANEY!, since I don’t drink and I want truth in advertizings 🙂

direct link to standard version

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see richard bluestein on wikipedia

7 replies on “Insane Films: Behind the Lyps with Dutch TV Part 2 – Don’t slice ’em off!”

OMGawwwd… Ahhhahahahaha

i loved this one even more.. and of course i loved Rylch’s cameo

as she would say A++++++++

Hey Madge,

What the hell, you were in Holland ? That walk was at the Vondelpark I guess ? And did you came on that TV show “de wereld draait door” ?? So amazing to see an international megastar visiting our small cuntry…

Please let me know if you came on that show, I love that show btw. You were walking with Levy & Siddiky right ?



never knew you could do such a mean polka…

I’m afraid if I dance too much I’ll end up lapse out you know?!?

ps. love the ad and the picture of Cheryl’s shrunken head…was that from her spring break trip to Mozambique?

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