Music Mythology religion Richard Bluestein south america special travel video journals Videos

Insane Films: Machu Pichu #1 (LYPS)


From my visit to Machu Pichu in May. I’m looking to remix this to pod-safer music so please email suggestions to [email protected].

Also, please look for the LYPS easter egg. 

Mini Series Mythology special The Power of Myth

Insane FIlms: The Power of Myth Part 6 of 6: The Masks of Eternity


direct link to media file

Insane FIlms: The Power of Myth Part 6 of 6: The Masks of Eternity

documentary features Mythology The Power of Myth Videos

Insane Films: Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth Part 5 of 6 (Love and the Goddess)


The most lesbian of all six episodes.

direct link to small ipod/iphone version

documentary features Mythology The Power of Myth Videos

Insane Films: Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth Part 2 of 6 (The Message of the Myth)


You really mustn’t miss a second of this. It’s that good.

std. ipod version file click here

documentary Mini Series Mythology The Power of Myth Videos

Insane Films: Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth Part 1 of 6 (The Hero’s Adventure)


This six hour miniseries has become one of the guiding forces of my life. Please watch it and be inspired to, in Joseph Cambell’s words, “follow your bliss.”

small ipod/iphone size download here